Why I'm Writing About Social Anxiety

Dear friend,
My name is T.O and I’m the creator of Roadmap. I know you’re probably one click away from a cool YouTube video, so I’ll keep it short.
I wanted to tell you a bit about me, why I’m creating Roadmap, and what you can expect from this blog. But I’m really writing to you for one reason.
I don’t want you to spend your life hiding in the bathroom.
Let me explain.
My Social Anxiety Story
It’s the first week of high school and I’m looking for a seat in the cafeteria.
Off to the right, I see Lauren. We were good friends in eighth grade, but now her eyes are avoiding mine. Ouch. But there's still one seat at her table.
So I start walking. But before I know it, someone cuts across the room and slides into the last seat. My seat. All that remains are empty tables. And if I could just sit down, maybe some of my friends would come and join me.
But I’d have to sit alone.

So I turn around. I pretend I forgot something and head toward the lunch line. I drop my tray of pizza, still hot from the oven, and keep walking. Straight to the bathroom.
Thank God that I didn’t spend all of high school in there.
So now I’m 28. I’m bigger, stronger, and “handsomer” -- thanks to puberty and the people at Acuvue Oasys. And yet, I still hide.
I hide what I’m thinking. I hide what I believe. I even hide what I’m interested in. In some ways, I’m still that kid with the lunch tray that’s terrified to sit alone.

But I’m done hiding. I want to be a good influence on my friends. I want people to actually know who I am. I want to make an impact. And I can’t do that by hiding.
I don’t want to spend my life hiding in that bathroom. And I don’t want you to either.
What to Expect from Roadmap
Although I still struggle with Social Anxiety, I thank God that I’ve seen so much growth. Few things bring me more joy.
That’s what I’m interested in -- the fulfillment that comes from purposeful growth. So here are a few things you’ll find on this blog.
Updates on the Roadmap App
Social Anxiety’s killer weapon is discouragement. And the best way I’ve found to motivate myself is by turning it into a game. That’s why I’m building Roadmap -- a growth game for social anxiety. You’ll find updates on the app here. And if you’re subscribed, you’ll get early access.

Social Anxiety Stories
Social Anxiety is isolating. I even have to overcome my anxiety to tell someone I’m struggling with it. But stories help us know that we're not alone. So here you’ll find tales of my triumphs and failures. I promise to tell them straight, while not taking myself too seriously. If you relate to them, I’d love it if you’d leave me a comment!
Tips & Tricks
I’ll share some strategies that have helped me overcome, not run from, social anxiety. I see personal growth as a gym, so I’ll keep my tips as practical as possible. I’m not into quick fixes, but I’m always open to learn from your comments too.
What's Next?
I've gotten the chance to talk to some of you about your struggles over email. But I'd love to meet everyone. So, what’s your social anxiety story? Share it in the comments! (I reply to every single one)
Next time, I’ll post a full rundown of the Roadmap beta. It’s coming soon!
- T.O.