Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!
I hope you had a great holiday season with your family.
And whether you’re counting down until MLK day or excited for the new year, welcome back!
The new year always marks a chance to start growing. But before diving in to that, here are the posts people found most helpful from last year.
Thought Trap #2: Worrying About Looking Stupid At Work - We’re all headed back to work. Which means many chances to worry about if people think we’re stupid. If you’d like to overcome that, this one is for you.
30 Lessons I’ve Learned About Social Anxiety - Everything I’ve learned about overcoming Social Anxiety in punchy one-liners.
3 Questions to Help You Overcome Social Anxiety - Want a headstart on overcoming anxiety this year? Take a few things from last year
Next week, we’ll hit the ground running!